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COVID-19: Yes, We are open! ⁣⁣⁣⁣

What precautions are we taking? We are…⁣⁣

- Contacting patients to ensure they have not travelled in the past 14 days, are experiencing any flu-like symptoms or have been in contact with anyone who is unwell. If patients meet any of these conditions, their appointments have been cancelled and will be rescheduled when they are well. ⁣⁣

- Maintaining our first-rate infection control procedures in the dental suites (including using new single-use, medical grade surgical masks for each patient), and regularly disinfecting the reception and waiting room areas. ⁣⁣We are also using a precautionary antiseptic mouthwash as per the ADA recommendations for every patient prior to dental treatment.

- Trying to ensure social distancing as best as possible by removing some chairs in the waiting room to give patients extra space. ⁣⁣

- Encouraging patients to bring their own book or knitting for the waiting room as we have removed the communal magazines and children’s books.⁣⁣

- Fully stocked with hand sanitiser for patients to use. ⁣⁣


We understand that patients may feel anxious about coming to their dental appointment, however please rest assured that the HBA team are all well and have maintained a healthy stock of toilet paper and hand santisers – we look forward to helping you with your dental needs! ⁣⁣


Please call HBA Dental on 9244 1382 for any further information, or to make an appointment. ⁣⁣


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